Reminder: The Association of Defence Counsel Practising before the ICTY and Representing Counsel before the MICT (ADC-ICTY) will host its annual conference, entitled “The Situation of Defence Counsel at International Criminal Courts and Tribunals”, at the Bel Air Hotel on 5 December from 9:00 to 17:30. Registration is open until 30 November.
This one-day conference will feature four distinguished panels on various topics in relation to the role and importance of the Defence. The keynote speech, entitled “No Justice without Defence Counsel”, will be given by Judge Prof. Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Schomburg and the closing remarks will be delivered by ADC-ICTY President Colleen Rohan. Panellists will include renowned Defence Counsel, Judges and representatives from various international criminal courts and tribunals.
Participation fees: 35 Euros (including coffee breaks) for external participants, 20 Euros for ADC-ICTY members, students and unpaid interns. Lunch will cost 15 Euros per person upon reservation. It is possible to obtain credits for continuing legal education purposes.
The ADC is looking forward to welcoming many external participants, students and interns. For further information and to register, please contact the ADC-ICTY Head Office at [email protected], and access this link.